A Tale of Three Cities: Playa Del Carmen, Tulum and Valladolid (Part 1)

A brief synopsis of each: This adorable creature-- showing off for the visitors in Tulum as he/she unabashedly groomed his/herself in public--is purportedly a Mexican ant eater. But who knows?! I was never able to verify this! Playa del Carmen: Overrun with tourists, opulent and expensive. Julie and I opted for staying--as always--in a humble Airbnb away from the main touristic area; the downside was a fairly long walk to get to the beach. Swimming in the Carribean was lovely as always, except for our last day when yet another storm set in; the sky was magnificent but the water was choppy and violent. We were not sorry for a fairly short stay in the town. (A great aspect, though, was the myriad bike rental stations... we tried to get into their very complicated system in order to rent a pair, but as has always been the case, my attempts to pay via credit card online were rejected, so this was not an option for us. Really a shame.) Tulum: This was only a day trip for ...