Oaxacan Life: Part Three--- El Dentista!

The one, the only, the magnificent Dr. Ernesto Oliva! As you can see, entirely Covid-free! One possibly unnerving issue for expats living in a foreign country is what to do for medical or dental care. Amongst the unenlightened--those who imagine that such practices in so-called "developing countries" would backward or archaic--the fear of needing ANY such service is daunting, if not outright terrifying. However, this has NEVER been my personal experience. In fact, such ignorant assumptions could not be further from the truth. I, dear reader, am an international root-canal recipient/specialist! I have had them done now in the U.S., India, and most recently, here in this dear city of Oaxaca, Mexico! As you can see from the above photo, Dr. Oliva (or simply "Ernie", as he is fondly referred to by his litany of expat fans) epitomizes "professionalism in the pandemic"--adorned as if ready for a stroll on an alien planet teaming with dangerous gases and ani...