Hola, amigos! In my new series, "Oaxacan Life", I am going to give you a full account of the nuts and bolts of daily life here as an expat.
As you read the next series of posts, feel free to comment, ask questions, and suggest topics you would be interested in for the future. I have several I already want to talk about, but am always open to suggestions!
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Recreation in the pandemic, you say? Yes indeedy! I think that Oaxaca--or perhaps Mexico in general-- has got to be one of the most relaxed countries with regard to this Covid business plaguing the world. Granted, we all wear our masks EVERYWHERE except in our own homes, and are disinfected every which way, several times a day! However, life generally goes on about its business, normal in every other respect, including folks enjoying the great out-of-doors and wonderful climate here. Winter? What's that?! The nights are chilly enough to require a fluffy quilt, but by midday, I am out and about in shorts and T-shirt. I am one lucky puppy, to be sure! When I go out, I am walking, hiking or biking (yes, bought a cheap used bike that I am greatly enjoying!) Sunscreen and sunglasses are a must; the southern Mexico sun is quite potent, even in this so-called "winter".
So, here goes... a visual account of my wonderful outdoor adventures in my new home!
Riding out into the countryside surrounding the city, I am blessed with lovely scenery.
 My new, much-cherished acquisition: I bought it used from a local hombre for 1800 pesos, or about $97. It is a twenty-one speed, low-end mountain bike. My brains rattle like tossed walnuts when riding over the cobblestones, but out on the dirt and gravel country roads, it does just fine!
Much to my delight, I found--purely by chance, in a random cafe-- a group of hard-core expat cyclists and joined their informal riding group. I struggle to keep up, but they are great folks who are quite tolerant of my turtle-like pace (compared to them, anyhow!) |
Out in the countryside, it is akin to stepping back in time--quite a contrast to the largely modernized city. Here, you see a mule-drawn cart, laden with sugar cane. |
A fellow cyclist, Dhruba, gazes out at the vista...behind him, a most impressive cactus "tree"! |
There were seven of us on this particular ride, which seems to be fairly standard for this group. We clustered together for the photo, but we DO socially distance ourselves, and wear our masks when in close proximity to others. |
Country roads, take me home... to...Oaxaca! |
When not cycling, I am headed for the hills, which surround the valley in which the city of Oaxaca is nestled. I mostly do my local hill, El Fortin, which is only a few minutes up the road from my abode. I am ALWAYS rewarded with the most spectacular views, as you can see below! I am always pleasantly surprised by how clear the air is most of the time. I get in a vigorous climb and typically encounter other hikers and walkers, often out with their dogs.
Selfie with mi sombrero loco! |
See what I mean?! This is the typical view, and the clouds are almost always magnificent! Quite a show!
This is a famous cross that can be seen from the neighborhoods spread out down below.... It makes for a great destination on many of my hikes.
Amazing castle on the hilltop... we gringos ponder the ownership... clearly extremely wealthy folks, whoever they are!
Next post: "Mi Casa" (aka, my humble digs!)
I am amazed at the wide open spaces around Oaxaca, vistas and your cloud shots. I think you’re living the dream.