Oaxacan LIfe: Part 15-- Moto Loco!

Technically, it should be "moto LOCA", and not "locO", since the full name for a motorcycle "en espanol" is "motocicleta" and thus the adjective agreement should be feminine. Thing is, it wouldn't be nearly as poetic, now would it?! So... I thus granted myself a little poetic license there in my title of this blog. After the past 33 days vacationing in the U.S., it was a bit of an adjustment returning home to Oaxaca, which I did this past Tuesday. (What, no Trader Joe's?!) But, after a a few days here, I now feel settled and happy to be back. Unlike August in California, it is rainy, cool and clean here. The skies are blue and consistently beautiful, with ever-changing formations of clouds, not to mention the occasional, magnificent rainbow. This morning's Sunday ride with expat bike buddies was not only scenic and lovely, but included the unexpected surprise of the craziest, hell's angel type--to the nth degree!-- Mexican motor...