The rain has begun in Oaxaca in earnest. I had been told this would be coming in June, but what I didn't expect was that the temperature would drop considerably as well, so it is like we are having a second winter here. Brrrr!
Still, it is all worth it: everything is turning so beautiful and green, in and above the town, in the hills. After so many months of dryness and brown vegetation everywhere, it is a most welcome and refreshing change. Plus, I never fail to delight in the almost daily, afternoon thunder and lightening storms that move in from the mountains, providing a wonderful show out of my large, bedroom windows.
Agog on my terrace--before the rain drives me back inside-- it is even better, owing to my 360 degree view. And then, just yesterday, a new element was added in: a huge, beautiful rainbow to the east, just as the sun was setting in the west. As I watched in awe, a second rainbow joined in the display...fainter than its twin, but still visible. What an incredible show! As usual, I had to take photos in every direction, and that is what you see below:
The camera doesn't quite capture just how brilliant those colors are! |
The rainbow remained for a good hour, and eventually stretched--but faintly--in an arc another 30 degrees or so across the sky... it didn't show up in my photo, unfortunately, so I didn't include it here. |
Here, you can faintly see the double just to the left of the main rainbow. |
Looking northwest, where the sky was still somewhat clear... but the setting sun lit up the smattering of clouds so beautifully... |
The scene, looking north |
And finally, looking south, where the silhouette of the palms never fails to enhance this view of sky and yet more magnificent cloud formations! |
A downpour...enjoyed from my warm, cozy room, looking out onto my small balcony |
Next up: my first dog sitting gig here in Oaxaca!
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